New Baby Girl

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Whether it’s a first, third or fiftieth impression, it’s essential to make it an excellent long and lasting impression. Send our marvellous vase bouquet of White Hydrangea, and scented Purple Baby Orchid mixed in with Green Kermit and White Calla which is designed by our skilled florists. To complement this striking bouquet, we have also included plenty of gorgeous Purple Dico and Steel Grass along with Korles Wood. It is an attractive choice for both men and women and suitable for all different kinds of occasions! The height is approximately 35 cm to 45 cm. The width is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm.
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Carefully crafted and arranged by our specialist florists, this selection of beautiful Light Green Hydrangea and White Chrysanthemum combined with Fuchsia Double Coloured Roses and Steel Grass which are synonymous with luxury. With various textures and shades, this stunning vase bouquet of a stylish collection of blooms is a floral masterpiece suited for every occasion! The height is approximately 25 cm to 35 cm. The width is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm.
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Our marvellous basket bouquet of stunning Blue and Green Hydrangea flowers which are combined with Pink Lilium and Pink Eustoma along with White and Pink Roses is the perfect present for all events and occasions! Pamper someone special with this elegant bouquet on their big day! Be the one who cheers them up! The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 25 cm to 35 cm.
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G16 - G16 - Mixed - Our hand bouquet of White Hydrangea and Purple Roses mixed in Purple Baby Orchid and Purple Waxflower which are combined with Green Kermit and White Chrysanthemum that creates a meaningful gift for anyone! Plenty of ideal flowers such as Light Purple Chrysanthemum and Steel Grass along with leaves like Massangeana and Eucalyptus that makes an exquisite bouquet! The height is approximately 40 cm to 50 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.
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Our vase bouquet of Pink and White Hydrangea mixed in Pink Lilium and White Baby Orchid combined with White Baby Roses and Pink Chrysanthemum along with the beautiful Pink Roses and Korles Wood that are said to be a symbol of beauty, luxury, and love, so what better flowers to beautify your special event! The height is approximately 45 cm to 55 cm. The width is approximately 35 cm to 45 cm.
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Our charming vase bouquet contains flowers that show sweetness, passion, elegance, and playfulness, as it is a popular and thoughtful gift for absolutely any occasion. A stunning bouquet of White Hydrangea and White Roses mixed in with White Chrysanthemum and white Baby Orchid which are ideally highlighted with the appropriate amount of Eucalyptus Leaves to create the last image of calmness in this fabulous gift! The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 30 cm to 40 cm.
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G23 - G23 - Roses - When you want your present to make a genuine impression on your admired ones, this artistically designed bouquet will surely do the trick! Our alluring bouquet of White Hypericum and Light Pink Roses combined with the Massangeana Leaves and Steel Grass along with a collection of greenery to make it the perfect present for kind of celebration. The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm.
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An exquisite and eye-catching vase bouquet consists of White Hydrangea and Pink Lilium mixed in with Purple Roses and Green Kermit, as well as White and Purple Chrysanthemum which are combined with a collection of Greenery that adds a unique appearance, as it's the perfect gift for anyone who appreciates life's rich beauty. The height is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.
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A marvellous hand bouquet that contains Purple Cymbidium and White Hydrangea, Pink Lilium, Purple Waxflower along with a collection of greenery gathered together into a striking bouquet that delivers smiles for all of life's special events or everyday moments! The height is approximately 55 cm to 65 cm. The width is approximately 25 cm to 35 cm.
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A vase of fuchsia roses with a white baby orchid and white chrysanthemums A perfect vase bouquet that contains Doubled Coloured Fochsia Roses, White Baby Orchid. A thoughtful present to say thank you, congratulations, good luck or for any other occasion. The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.
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An alluring gift made up of a combination of Purple Baby Orchid and Purple Roses complemented with Purple Chrysanthemum all exquisitely arranged to add beauty to any events. The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.
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Our attractive vase bouquet which is filled with beautiful White Chrysanthemum and Fuchsia Roses arranged with Pink Baby Orchid. This bouquet completes the generous gift of fresh-cut flowers. This bouquet wows in the grandest of styles, shimmering with all of nature's most bright colours and tones. The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.
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Vase in a unique design of red roses, white calla, baby orchid, and white pink flower with steel grass
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A sumptuous vase bouquet consists of Pink and Green Cymbidium mixed in with Light Pink Roses and Pink Lilium which are combined with Snake Bamboo and Steel Grass. This bouquet is the gift that anyone would deeply appreciate getting it on all occasions! The height is approximately 50 cm to 60 cm. The width is approximately 25 cm to 35 cm.
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This stunning vase bouquet was crafted by our talented florists, and it will make them smile by demonstrating how much you value them. by giving a lavish bouquet that includes eye-catching White phalaenopsis and White Roses along with purple chrysanthemums and steel grass that add a sense of calmness and love. The height ranges from 30 to 40 cm. The width ranges from 20 to 30 cm.
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White roses and White lilies are arranged with purple chrysanthemums and Steel Grass for added elegance and delight in our expert florists' sumptuous vase bouquet. Support and encourage them by being that person! For any special occasion, the vibrant flowers are a must-have! The height ranges from 20 to 25 cm. The width ranges from 20 to 25 cm.
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The flowers of our beautiful vase bouquet show sweetness, passion, elegance, and playfulness as it is a stylish, thoughtful and sensible gift definitely for any occasion! A combination of White Roses and 4 Red Chrysanthemum complemented with Massangeana Leaves to create a lasting vision of love in this fabulous gift! The height is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm. The width is approximately 10 cm to 20 cm.
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Our alluring vase bouquet of White Roses and Green Kermit which are combined with the beautiful White Baby Orchid is an ideal gift for that special person or moment and is also a fantastic way to welcome visitors to your own home. The height is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.
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If you appreciate the natural grace of life, you will be thrilled to send this cheery hand bouquet. Striking Pink Lilium and White Hydrangea mixed in with Purple Roses which are combined Pink Hypericum, and White Chrysanthemum along with Steel Grass that is blended effortlessly in our sumptuous hand bouquet. This bouquet is an attractive choice for all kinds of occasions! The height is approximately 40 cm to 50 cm. The width is approximately 25 cm to 35 cm.
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A remarkable vase bouquet brought to life by the sumptuous Dark Pink Roses and White Chrysanthemum along with Steel Grass and Massangeana Leaves. This stunning arrangement is full of warmth as it is an incredible gift for all occasions and events! The height is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm. The width is approximately 15 cm to 25 cm.
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Put a colourful and bright start in your admired one's day with a gorgeous present. A magnificent vase bouquet that consists of Pink Hydrangea and Pink Lilium mixed in with beautiful White and Pink Roses. Loosely-gathered Double Coloured Fuchsia Roses with an adequate amount of White Baby Orchid and Snake Bamboo to deliver a smile right to your cherished one's doorstep! The height is approximately 30 cm to 40 cm. The width is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm.
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Bright 20 Red Roses and Green Cymbidium along with Asparagus Leaves makes this vase bouquet a true delight. This combination of beautiful flowers sure to brighten up their day! The height is approximately 30 cm to 40 cm. The width is approximately 20 cm to 30 cm.
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The warm colours have an amazingly positive effect on anyone's mood, which makes this vase bouquet the perfect present for all occasions! Our alluring bouquet of stunning Pink Cymbidium, White Baby Roses and Pink Roses mixed in with Green Hydrangea, and Pink Lilium arranged with Pink Hypericum and Green Kermit as well as with Snake Bamboo and Steel Grass. Make them feel special! The height is approximately 40 cm to 50 cm. The width is approximately 30 cm to 40 cm.
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Our skilled florists have designed this gorgeous hand bouquet that will make you the reason for their dazzling smile. Capture the moment with your beloved ones and lighten up their day by gifting a luxurious bouquet that consists of stunning Double Coloured Fuchsia Roses. Along with Purple and Dark Pink Roses mixed in with several White Gypsophila, and Purple Chrysanthemum along with Eucalyptus Leaves to add a touch of greenery. Bring joy into their life! The height is approximately 40 cm to 50 cm. The width is approximately 25 cm to 35 cm.
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